Correspondance to Mangopay Rest API

This library is a wrapper of the Mangopay API as described here. Each of the API calls provided are shown with an explaination of how to use them.


POST /v2/oauth/token

The client handles authentication with a token once you have set up your client as described in the installation instructions. Once confrigured it is easy to get an instance of the client.

import mangopay.client

client = get_mangopay_api_client()

Activity, research & lists

None of the API calls listed by Mangopay as falling under the category are supported. However with the client provided, it is possible to use the mangopay-sdk to call them. An example is given below.

from mangopay.client import get_mangopay_api_client

client = get_mangopay_api_client()
# GET /Events


POST /users/natural

To create a natural user object just instantiate an instance of MangoPayNaturalUser, populate the requried fields, and call create() on it as shown below. You can also edit the user, just update the the values you want to change in the model and then call update().

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from datetime import date
from mangopay.models import MangoPayNaturalUser

user = User.objects.get(id=1)

mangopay_user = MangoPayNaturalUser()
mangopay_user.user = user
mangopay_user.country_of_residence = "SE"
mangopay_user.nationality = "US"
mangopay_user.birthday = date(1989, 10, 20)


mangopay_user.address = "Högbergsgatan 66C"


POST /users/legal

Creating and editing a legal user is the same as creating a natural user except Mangopay requires different fields. Instantiate the MangoPayLegalUser, populate the required fields, and call create() or update() on it as shown below.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from datetime import date
from mangopay.models import MangoPayLegalUser
from mangopay.constants import BUSINESS

user = User.objects.get(id=1)

mangopay_user = MangoPayLegalUser()
mangopay_user.user = user
mangopay_user.country_of_residence = "SE"
mangopay_user.nationality = "US"
mangopay_user.birthday = date(1989, 10, 20)
mangopay_user.first_name = "Rebecca"
mangopay_user.last_name = "Meritz"
mangopay_user.generic_business_email = ""
mangopay_user.business_name = "FundedByMe AB"
mangopay_user.type = BUSINESS


mangopay_user.headquaters_address = "Regeringsgatan 29, 111 53 Stockholm"


GET /users/{user_Id}

This call is not supported. Infomation about the mangopay user will already be saved on your MangoPayUserModel when you call create and/or update.

POST /KYC/Documents

To create a mangopay document for a user just instantiate a MangoPayDocument, save the user and type to the document, and then call create(). If successfully created the document’s status should be updated to CREATED and it should be assigned a mangopay_id. Once you have added all the pages you wanted to the document you can ask for validation from mangopay via ask_for_validation(). This should change the status of the document to VALIDATION_ASKED.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayUser
from mangopay.constants import IDENTITY_PROOF

mangopay_user = MangoPayUser.objects.get(id=1)

mangopay_document = MangoPayDocument()
mangopay_document.mangopay_user = mangopay_user
mangopay_document.type = IDENTITY_PROOF


# Then add a 1+ MangoPayPages to your mangopay_document


POST /KYC/Documents/Pages

A document can have many pages, but needs at least one. Instantiate one MangoPayPage per file and call create() on the object to create it.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayPage

document = MangoPayDocument.objects.get(id=1)
file = file("tmp/file")
page = MangoPayPage(file=file, document=document)

In order for this call to work you need to decide were you want to store your files. Files can either be saved to Django’s default storage by setting MANGOPAY_PAGE_DEFAULT_STORAGE to True, or you can configure your files to be stored on AWS by setting AWS storage via S3BotoStorage. AWS_MEDIA_BUCKET_NAME and AWS_MEDIA_CUSTOM_DOMAIN must be in your setting in this case.

GET /KYC/Documents/{Document_Id}

One business day after asking for validation you should be able to see if mangopay approved the document or not via get() which will get the updated document from mangopay. At this point it should either have the status of VALIDATED or REFUSED.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayDocument

document = MangoPayDocument.objects.get(id=1)

POST /users/{userId}/bankaccounts/{type}

In order to complete a payout you must have registered a bank account. To do this instantiate a MangoPayBankAccount and add the required fields, then call create(). Only BIC & IBAN bank registrations are currently supported by this library.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayBankAccount, MangoPayUser

bank_account = MangoPayBankAccount()
bank_account.mangopay_user = MangoPayUser.objects.get(id=1)
bank_account.iban = "SE3550000000054910000003"
bank_account.bic = "53H555"
address = "Högbergsgatan 66C, 11854 Stockholm, Sweden"

GET /users/{userId}/bankaccounts/{id}

This call is not supported the data should already be persisted on your MangoPayBankAccount model.


POST /wallets

In order to create a wallet just instantiate a MangoPayWallet object, add user to it, save it and call create().

from mangopay.models MangoPayWallet, MangoPayUser

user = MangoPayUser.objects.get(id=1)
wallet = MangoPayWallet()
wallet.mangopay_user = user

wallet.create(description="Sven's Wallet")

GET /wallets/{Wallet_Id}

GET is not supported directly, however you can call balance() on a created MangoPayWallet to find the amount of Money on the wallet.


POST /payins/card/web

Not supported via this library or the API it is only supported by MangoPay’s web interface.

POST /payins/card/direct

Once you have successfully registered a card you can create a payin from that card to a created wallet. Instantiate a MangoPayPayIn model, add the user, wallet, and card; then call create with the return url, the funds to be debited and optionally the fees. The payin will be created and the execution date, status, result code, id, status, and secure mode redirect url will be saved to the object.

from money import Money
from mangopay.models import (MangoPayPayIn, MangoPayCard, MangoPayWallet,

payin = MangoPayPayIn()
payin.mangopay_user = MangoPayUser.objects.get(id=1)
payin.mangopay_wallet = MangoPayWallet.objects.get(id=1)
payin.mangopay_card = MangoPayCard.objects.get(id=1)
payin.debited_funds = Money(1001, "EUR")
payin.fees = Money(0, "EUR")

POST /payins/preauthorized/direct

Preauthorizations are not currently supported by this library. Pull requests are welcome. See Contributing.

GET /payins/{PayIn_Id}

Once a MangoPayPayIn is created it’s associated status can be updated via calling get() on the instance.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayPayIn

payin = MangoPayPayIn.objects.get(id=1)

POST /cardregistration

Before a card can be used it must be registered with a user. Just instantiate a MangoPayCardRegistration object, add a user to it, and call create() with a supported currency. When you do this MangoPay’s ID will be saved to the object.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayCardRegistration, MangoPayUser

card_registration = MangoPayCardRegistration()
card_registration.mangopay_user = MangoPayUser.objects.get(id=1)

GET /cardregistration/{CardRegistration_Id}

Once you have created a MangoPayCardRegistration object you can access the card’s preregistration data by calling get_preregistration_data(). This data comes in the form of a dictionary with the keys: “preregistrationData”, “accessKey”, and “cardRegistrationURL”.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayCardRegistration

card_registration = MangoPayCardRegistration.objects.get(id=1)

GET /cards/{Card_Id}

After registering a card with MangoPay you should get back the card’s Id. If you save that card’s Id to the related MangoPayCard object by calling save_mangopay_card_id(), then later you can access the card’s info by calling request_card_info(). Requesting the card’s info will save the expiration date, alias, and active and valid state to the MangoPayCard object.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayCardRegistration

card_registration = MangoPayCardRegistration.objects.get(id=1)


POST /preauthorization/card/direct

Preauthorizations are not currently supported by this library. Pull requests are welcome. See Contributing.

GET /preauthorization/{PreAuthorization_Id}

Preauthorizations are not currently supported by this library. Pull requests are welcome. See Contributing.


POST /transfers/{Transfer_Id}/Refund

Transfers and refunds of those transfers are not supported by this library. Pull requests are welcome.

POST /payins/{PayIn_Id}/Refund

Currently only simple refunds are supported. That means you can only create a complete refund on a pay in, not a partial one. To create a simple refund just instantiate a MangoPayRefund object and add the payin you want to refund and the user; then save it and call create_simple(). The MangoPay’s Id, the execution date, and status will be updated in the object. If the refund was successful then create_simple will return True.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayRefund, MangoPayPayIn

refund = MangoPayRefund()
payin = MangoPayPayIn.objects.get(id=1)
refund.payin = payin
refund.mangopay_user = payin.mangopay_user


GET /refunds/{Refund_Id}

Getting a refund via its ID is not supported by this library. Pull requests welcome.


POST /payouts/bankwire

Payouts transfer money from a wallet to a user’s bank account. In order for a payout to run successfully, the user’s KYC requirements must be fufilled. To use it simply instantiate the MangoPayPayOut object add the user, the wallet you want to transfer from, and the bank account you want to transfer to, the funds to be debited, and optionally the fees to be taken; then save it and run create(). MangoPay’s generated id, the status, and the execution date will be saved to the object.

from money import Money
from mangopay.models import MangoPayPayOut, MangoPayUser, MangoPayWallet, MangoPayBankAccount

payout = MangoPayPayOut()
payout.mangopay_user = MangoPayUser.objects.get(id=1)
payout.mangopay_wallet = MangoPayUser.objects.get(id=1)
payout.mangopay_bank_account = MangoPayBankAccount.objects.get(id=1)
payout.debited_funds = Money(1000, "EUR")
payout.fees = Money(10, "EUR")


GET /payouts/{PayOut_Id}

Getting a payout will update the status and execution date from MangoPay.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayPayOut

payout = MangoPayPayOut.objects.get(id=1)


POST /payouts/bankwire

Transfer money from one mangopay wallet to another. To use it simply instantiate the MangoPayTransfer object add the user, the wallet you want to transfer from, and the wallet you want to transfer to, the funds to be debited; then save it and run create(). MangoPay’s generated id, the status, and the execution date will be saved to the object.

from money import Money
from mangopay.models import MangoPayTransfer, MangoPayUser, MangoPayWallet

transfer = MangoPayTransfer()
transfer.mangopay_credited_wallet = MangoPayWallet.objects.get(id=1)
transfer.mangopay_debited_wallet = MangoPayWallet.objects.get(id=2)
transfer.debited_funds = Money(1000, "EUR")


GET /transfers/{Transfer_Id}

Getting a transfer will update the status and execution date from MangoPay.

from mangopay.models import MangoPayTransfer

transfer = MangoPayTransfer.objects.get(id=1)