
We welcome your contribution.

Please report issues via Githubs Issue tracker.

Please submit pull requests here. All pull requests should include tests. Tests should not touch Mangopay’s sandbox only the MockMangoPayApi in tests/ You must however manually insure all functionality works against Mangopay’s sandbox.

To run the tests you will need to install the all requirements including the test specfic ones and then run the test runner.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_test.txt


If you make any changes to the documentation you will need to rebuild the docs and commit those changes too.

cd docs
make html

If you use custom User model in your django project and you would like to run the tests, you will need to create your own User model factory (using factory_boy) and reference it in your django settings in the AUTH_USER_MODEL_FACTORY setting.


AUTH_USER_MODEL_FACTORY = “my_app.factories.UserFactory”